The task force provides input for the second update of IWG5’s implementation plan by way of a white paper of up to 10-15 pages. The IWG5 is one of the 14 thematic working groups of the SET-Plan which has been developed as a European Union initiative being a strategy for the transition to a climate-neutral energy system at European level.
Tasks of the chairs: The task force leaders are responsible for drafting the white paper including a short summary and leading the task force. At least three task force meetings are foreseen. The task force leaders are entitled to receive a financial contribution, for the chair this is about 2160€* and for the vice-chair this is 1440€*. The white paper should be finalised by the end of May 2025, the summary by April 2025.
Topics of T7/ Industrialisation for the clean energy transition (EUREC): The task force will shed light on the necessary measures, investment and infrastructure to step up industrialisation for the clean energy transition of buildings. The task force will look at how to increase the overall competitiveness of the construction sector and if relevant, it will focus on specific subsectors. The white paper of about 10-15 pages should result on recommendations on how drive industrialisation and competitiveness in construction in line with existing EU climate and energy targets, the renovation wave, the Net Zero Industry Act and potentially the development of new policy initiatives supporting clean industry. The task force will be composed of energy efficiency and renewable energy experts, economists and experts in from across Europe coming from ministries, relevant agencies, academia and industry.
If you are interested in chairing or joining the task force please register here by 12/12/2024.
If you have further questions on the task forces, please contact:
Cornelia Partsch: and Nicolas de la Vega:
*The amounts may vary if more than one chair or co-chair is selected.