About IWG5
The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) works to unlock the energy savings potential of the building sector. This includes boosting the potential of existing and new buildings. IWG5 is composed of Representatives of EU and associated countries, industrial stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and research institutes.
IWG5 and the SET Plan
The Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan aims to achieve the EU’s energy and climate goals and make Europe a global leader in clean energy technologies and energy efficiency. It is made up of the SET Plan Steering Group, the European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs), the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), the SET Plan Information System (SETIS) and Implementation Working Groups (IWGs).
The IWGs monitor and report progress to the SET Plan Information System (SETIS) on the SET Plan targets and R&I activities carried out at national and European levels. The activities and targets, published in the working groups’ Implementation Plans, are identified in cooperation with national governments and stakeholders (industry and research bodies).
For further information, please visit the official Website of the SET-Plan.
Also have a look at the Strategic Energy Technology Information System (SETIS), which is the open-access information, knowledge management and dissemination system for the SET-Plan.
IWG5 aims at delivering the Implementation Plan on energy-efficient solutions for buildings, requiring Member States to put in place measures favouring both innovation in building design and energy technologies for buildings, and the uptake of these technologies by the building sector.
Projects across Europe
IWG5 members have launched and implemented hundreds of regional, national and EU-wide projects in the field of energy efficiency in buildings. To find out more about the realization, take a look at five Exemplary Projects.
Cooperations for creating a sustainable future
Members of IWG5 are involved in the creation of various EU partnerships: Clean Energy Transition (CET), Driving Urban Transition (DUT) and Built4People (B4P)
Read more about the Results of the IWG-5
SET Plan Progress Monitoring Report 2021
SET Plan Progress Monitoring Report 2020
SET Plan Progress Monitoring Report 2019
The IWG5-CSA project, coordinated by EUREC, will support the IWG5 in delivering the implementation of the SET plan on energy-efficient solutions.