Call for chair, co-chair and task force members for the task force on Industrialisation for the clean energy transition
The task force provides input for the second update of IWG5’s implementation plan by way of a white paper of up to 10-15 pages. The IWG5 is one of the 14 thematic working groups of the SET-Plan which has been developed as a European Union initiative being a strategy...
Update of the Implementation Plan
The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) has updated its implementation plan of 2018. The revised version can be downloaded here. The Implementation Plan is the main guiding document for the planning of R&I activities of the group...
Examples of renovated buildings and energy community in Brussels
The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) organized its second Study Tour in Brussels on 2 July 2024. The event was arranged by WIP Renewable Energies, in collaboration with the IWG5 consortium. Participants of the Study Tour included...
How to join IWG5?
Are you a European stakeholder or National representative working on energy efficiency in buildings? Would you like to join the Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) of the SET-Plan? Are you interested in: Joining...
Call for chair, co-chair and members of task forces – Deadline to apply: 28.06
The SET-Plan Implementation working group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) and the IWG5-CSA project are looking for: Chair, co-chair and task force members for the task force on Just transition: affordable, sustainable renovation. (Task force 5) Chair,...
Call for new co-chair of SET Plan group for buildings – Looking for experts in sustainable materials and energy efficiency technologies
The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) of the SET-Plan is looking for an additional co-chair. IWG5 is one of the 14 thematic working groups of the SET-Plan which has been developed as a European Union initiative being a strategy for...
SET Plan Progress Report 2023
Since its inception in 2019, the European Green Deal has set out the route for a sustainable, secure and competitive energy system for the EU, achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Four years later, the legislative framework continues to develop. Earlier this year, the...
Examples of innovative and energy efficient buildings for the first Study Tour in Berlin
The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) organised its first Study Tour in Berlin on 4 July 2023. It was organised by WIP Renewable Energies, in collaboration with IWG5 chairs from Project Management Jülich. The participants of the...