Call for chair, co-chair and members of task forces

January 30, 2023

The SET-Plan Implementation working group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) and the IWG5-CSA project are looking for chairs, co-chairs and members of two task forces: 1) Active Modules; 2) New materials in buildings. This call is a unique opportunity to bring attention across the EU to new technologies and policy approaches to speed up the decarbonisation of the buildings sector. 

The two task forces will be formed in early 2023 to update IWG 5’s Implementation Plan, by way of a white paper of up to 10 pages each. The IWG5 is one of the 14 thematic working groups of the SET-Plan which has been developed as a European Union initiative being a strategy for the transition to a climate-neutral energy system at European level. The task force leaders are responsible for drafting the white paper and are entitled to receive a financial contribution, for the chair this is about 2160* for and for the vice-chair 1440**.

The kick-off of the task forces is foreseen by the end of February 2023 followed by around 2-3 task force meetings. The white paper should be finalized at the end of June 2023. 

The topics of the task forces are:

  • Active modules: The integration of prefabricated active modules and “skins” on buildings is expected to reduce renovation times and costs. The white paper shall detail the latest advances in technologies and techniques to use standardized panels for ventilated façades and roofs which may combine high-performance insulation with other energy equipment including PV and solar thermal panels, heat pumps and batteries. The taskforce will be composed of energy efficiency experts from across Europe coming from energy and research ministries, relevant energy saving agencies, academia and from industry, including equipment manufacturers.
  • New materials in buildings: In addition to energy performance, technical and handling aspects, environmental impact and sustainability have become important aspects. Life cycle assessment (LCA) method has put materials and technologies used for building construction into a larger context considering the energy used in each life cycle phase from raw material to end of life. The white paper shall display the latest technical findings in the field of innovative materials and technical solutions applicable for the construction of new buildings and/or refurbishment of existing buildings while also considering sustainability aspects. The taskforce will be composed of experts from the field of new materials as well as sustainability across Europe coming from energy and research ministries, relevant agencies, academia and industry.

Both task forces should also consider non-technological issues, such as user acceptance and education and training as they are equally important as technological issues. The current Implementation Plan of IWG5 that the task forces will have to update can be downloaded here.

If you are interested in chairing or joining a task force please contact before 07/02/2023 Cornelia Partsch:  and Nicolas de la Vega:

*Task Force LEADER: Honororia 450 € per day. 1.6 days prep for 0.8 day meeting (= 2.4 days); 2 meetings per Task Force (=2.4 days x 2 in total)

**Task Force CO-LEADER: Honororia 450 € per day. 0.8 days prep for 0.8 day meeting (=1.6 days); 2 meetings per Task Force (=1.6 days x 2 in total)

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