IWG5 Study Tour in Berlin

Date of event

4 July 2023 from 12.00 to 16.00

The IWG5 project annually organizes study tours to buildings that set the standard in eco-renovation or construction.

The first study tour will take place this summer on 4 July 2023 from 12.00 to 16.00 at the Berlin Adlershof Technology Park. Study tour participants will learn from real-life examples how to construct and renovate energy efficient buildings in a people-centric way.

The tour will start at 12:00 with an icebreaking lunch at Esswirtschaft (Rudower Chaussee 24 • 12489 Berlin). At 13:00, a guided exploration of Institut für Physik der Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Newtonstraße 15 • 12489 Berlin), an exemplary nearly zero energy building at Adlershof campus, will start. Finally, roundtable discussions aim to understand the dynamics and attitudes of nearly zero-emission buildings and the reasons behind those attitudes, increase novel forms of community engagement to invest in NZEBs. Eventually, finding ways to improve public approval of energy-efficient buildings and the technologies that would enable them to be nearly zero-emission buildings.

Register by 26 June to join the study tour: https://forms.gle/CQS8mmzV1RYRboVh8