Call for new co-chair of SET Plan group for buildings – Looking for experts in sustainable materials and energy efficiency technologies

January 22, 2024

The Implementation Working Group on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (IWG5) of the SET-Plan is looking for an additional co-chair. IWG5 is one of the 14 thematic working groups of the SET-Plan which has been developed as a European Union initiative being a strategy for the transition to a climate-neutral energy system at European level. IWG5 is composed of Representatives of EU and associated countries, industrial stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and research institutes. Currently, about 24 countries are represented in IWG5 which is chaired by a team and divided into two subgroups:

  • 5.1 Sustainable materials and technologies for energy-efficient solutions for buildings
  • 5.2 Cross-cutting heating and cooling technologies

We are looking for a new co-chair with experience in 5.1 topics:


  • Sustainable materials and technologies for energy-efficient solutions for buildings
  • Built Environment expertise



Supporting the chair of IWG5 in:

  • Providing expertise on topics of the IWG5, especially on 5.1 topics (e.g. sustainable materials in buildings, prefabricated active modules for facades and roofs, digital planning and operational optimisation, living labs – decarbonised European quarters and cities)
  • Taking part in the bi-monthly IWG5 meetings (Online, 90 minutes)
  • Supporting IWG5 Chairs in providing feedback to the SET-Plan secretariat on upcoming reports/ policy updates
  • Joining preparatory meetings with IWG5 Chairs when necessary.  
  • Connecting with European experts working on buildings in the bi-monthly meetings
  • Desirable: contributing to task forces for the update of EU’s SET Plan via the group’s Implementation Plan

People who are interested in joining the IWG5 should send a short email explaining their interest in becoming a co-chair, along with a CV, to by February 28th. You can find additional information on IWG5 on the website and in the leaflet which can be downloaded here.

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