Exemplary Projects

BIM-Speed – Methods for architectural, structural and thermal 3D data acquisition of existing buildings

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an efficient method, to unlock the energy saving potential of renovation projects. Therefore, the central target of the BIM-Speed project is to enable stakeholders to integrate BIM into their work process. The developed Building Information Model (BIM) is a digital representation of a building to support the renovation and asset management of existing residential buildings. Already in the run-up to the project, the consortium showed that the use of BIM comprehensively reduces time and money resources.

Overall, the aim of the BIM Speed project is to implement BIM in a holistic approach and to provide a cloud-based BIM platform that can interact with a range of BIM tools.

Demonstration Cases

BIM-Speed solutions are tested in 13 real demonstration cases in different European climate zones. In the course of the project, various activities are carried out on the demonstration cases:

  • As-Built data acquisition and BIM modelling
  • Renovation design
  • BEM and performance simulations
  • Renovation execution (off-site and on-site construction)
  • Post-renovation evaluation and long-term maintenance planning

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